Nikola Puzigaća, cosmic Art Director

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1. Your last online art project, Facebook album ‘Cosmos’, has over 3000 likes and 2500 shares. In your opinion, who is to blame for your intergalactic success :)?
Cosmos is to blame for it. We all find ourselves in cosmic topics, probably because we are inseparable part of it; the only question is who is aware  of that and to which extent. But even if we are not completely aware, some inner harmony we feel talking about it makes us react positively. This inner harmony is the proof that it [Cosmos] is a part of us.  And so, when we wrap this cosmic story nicely and smoothly, then both atheists and religious people react great.  God is real for some, while for others he is not, but cosmos is real for all of us.

2. Do you think that there is a difference between online projects published through social networks and ‘real’ i.e. exhibitions in gallery space? Do you find it important to be able to see your work on gallery walls, and not just on Facebook ‘wall’?
The difference is huge. Not everything on social networks is appropriate for gallery space. We use social networks to mess around sometimes, while galleries are reserved for art. That is the first level of selection that separates entertainers from artists. If what we do online can be adjusted to forms appropriate for gallery space, and have some relevance, only then we might be talking about art. In the past, it was important to me to see my work printed out, while now I have elevated it to the level where I am not excited anymore by mere print, but rather want to make posters into installations, ‘live’ versions, add the third dimension.

3. You find inspiration in films; you had an interesting series of original film posters. What else, music perhaps? I know you cannot stand Britney Spears and that you are fond of Mazzy Star. What inspires you in terms of other art forms? 
Photography, always. I first started taking photos, and then designing, so I have been involved in photography longer than I am in design. When I cannot design anymore, and feel the need to create, I just take my camera and go for a walk. Painting and sculpture are great, not to mention literary works. All art forms are nice.

4. What do you think of the local (regional) art scene? Do you have any favorites? There have always been great artists here and in the region. Designers are especially good. My ultimate favorite and the greatest artist in the region is Vesna Pešić a.k.a. BECHA. And we also have a ton of young artists, anonymous, who you may accidently stumble across and realize just how good they are.  And there is also a bunch of designers that are more into ‘applied’ rather than ‘artistic’, who exclusively do corporate design and are doing a great job.

5. You recently started working in the agency, and this is your first ‘nine-to-five’ job, so what do you think? Can creativity survive in corporate environment? 
Cosmos says it can. When I started working, people warned me about not letting the agency take away my creativity. But, after few months of working for the agency, I managed to create the most liked and most shared Facebook album. Agency is cool. I came here for a larger framework and big clients, but the best thing about this place are great people.

6. In today’s advertising, are there examples of creativity that go beyond  just doing business? In short, do you think ads can sometimes be art?  
If I did not believe that to be true, I would not have accepted the invitation to join McCann. I was aware of the several levels of ideas being revised before going through, and that at the end of the day you always have to make compromises, but despite all that, there is room for art.  If it were different anyhow, I would be at home creating art.

7. Is being a designer the new ‘being in the band’? It seems to me that some of your colleagues and you have a serious base of female fans:)?
I am not sure what it is like in other bands for comparison :D. I have insight into statistics and can see that visitors of my Facebook page are 28% male and 70% female.  That is good… for ego, I guess. Ego is the greatest enemy and the greatest drive in art, and the mere creation of art is the process of balancing during which we need to keep our egos in check. If we were to kill it off, then there would be no need to create, and we were to let it run wild too much, then it would consume both us and the art. I guess this is why the 70% feels good.

Nikola Puzigaća, cosmic Art Director 1 Nikola Puzigaća, cosmic Art Director 2 Nikola Puzigaća, cosmic Art Director 3

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