1. At Marketing Kingdom conference we will have the opportunity to hear on global trending from experts in various areas. Based on experience you have working in our market, do you expect drastically different or similar indicators for Serbia in relation to region.
Marketing Kingdom, as every year, independently from host country, lets business and advertising community to hear not just “latest global trends as such” but how that trends, in practice, affects management and development of companies active locally and globally , and that is the biggest difference between us and the world – on what level are we, locally or as a region, managed to “overcome” or “use” thing that we like calling the “global trend”.
2. You research moving of trends in Serbia and region. What makes Serbia and region similar or different, and what five trends would mark out the year of 2015?
Big cultural differences within region, but the similar social and political movements at the same time, made the region much more equal, with mutually similar markets. It appears that in many cases is possible to see region as one market, relative to primary consumer needs, with preservation of cultural relevant locality. As I said, this refers to many categories, but not to all of them. There are industries and category of products in strong connection with cultural specifics of certain territory or under stronger influence of psycho-social factors of that climate.
Talking about the key trends in 2015. year, we have to remark that certain trends identified even in the years of 2012. and 2013. still stay dominant.
1. Simplicity as imperative – Direct, simple, easy – as solution, as expression, as need.
2. Control – Need as consequence of crisis and uncertainty times – to know, to rule, control the circumstances, service, life.
3. Brends are the new institutions – Increase of taking the responsibilities for questions of general social significance by the brands.
4. Convergence – Convergence of consumer needs conditions also brands need for linking services, products, for inter-categorry collaboration, so that can be answered to the need on best posible way. There is subtrend wich implies ’additional value as part of standard offer’ (discount or gift).
5. TV as part of context, not center – Multiscreening as habit, conditioned the divide of attention, where even smart phone screen becomes center, and TV background.
3. How to create WOW communication strategy for some brand and do companies have to use new trends at all costs in order to be succesfull on market?
WOW strategy in different categories and in different moments of time don’t have the same rules. To that effect, it’s really hard to give one answer to this question. Yet, I can say that the most succesfull comunication strategies nowdays are the ones that have man (consumer, buyer, user) in their center, offering him explicitly simple solutions or unique messages. Communication strategies that allows authentic emotional relation between brand and the human, or clearly offer him their services – putting their functionality in center, are WOW communication strategies. Regarding, there is a blind following of the trends. When there is no clear function, or absurdly use of trend, we have failure. So, it’s important putting the person of interest in center. Only that way, we can estimate how relative are we, or how much relative trend is.
4. Panel organised by McCann Belgrade on the first conference day is called “Linking as brands obligation: old news or future potential?” How do you see home brands dealing with this subject and are they ready to accept trends?
Linking is not trend anymore. Linking is consumers need, and brands obligation therefore (to respond to the need ). It seems that some brands still interpret that linking need on trends level and that is omission that would cause loss only . Luckily, there are good examples in various industries where this term is really identified as real need, so in setting up marketing plans, answers are planned in advance. On panel named “Linking as brands obligation: old news or future potential?” within Marketing Kingdom, we’ll talk with brand presenters having the understanding of this need as the essence of running a business.
5. How much, in your opinion, topics of discussion on this conference can help improve running business in our industry on home market?
Topics of discussion within conference are not completely new to our market, as for the regional market, but the take out is not the topic, it’s what we can do with it. We will have the opportunity to hear how the biggest brands of today use and integrate market expectationsinto their strategy. I think that this conference would show us lot of good examples from practice and inspire us in further work.
Text was published on portal: http://marketingmreza.rs/wow-komunikacione-strategije-u-svom-centru-imaju-coveka/