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The leading job search web site in Serbia,, contacted us with a challenge to capture the attention of employees who wish to change their current job or are in some way dissatisfied with it (they comprise a huge majority in this country). Based on the insight that most people currently do nothing to improve their prospects, we chose a strategy of absurd job survival tips and gathered them in a form of illustrated E-book, which could be browsed or downloaded from the client’s web site. Through promotion on social networks, E-book became a viral hit. The campaign was supplemented with a viral video depicting guerilla activation at the business quarter in Belgrade, as well as a set of ridiculously fun office supplies which we handed out to influencers on Twitter, web journalists and other local online influencers. We promoted the set in the entertaining ‘unboxing’ video that went viral. The result of the campaign was extraordinary – number of applicants with high education and work experience increased for 37.5% in comparison to the period prior to E-book publishing.


Creative Director: Vladimir Ćosić
Creatives: Nemanja Stanković, Kristina Jovanović, Milena Kvapil
Digital: Danka Hasanović
Account: Vladimir Popović
Strategic Planner: Marija Stošić
Producer: Vladislav Prhal