I DisOwn my Child

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Declaring sexual orientation to family members is one of the hardest things for LGBT+ people. It is especially difficult for individuals in small environments, where sexual orientation is still a taboo, and ‘coming out’ to parents becomes unthinkable as they fear rejection.

Disowning kids in papers, to be more precise – classified ads, is in our collective memory and this cruel practice is happening even today.

We have used the smallest media format there is as a tool and in collaboration with the organization ‘Da se zna!’, published a series of real ‘I will never disown my child’ classified ads in national and local newspapers across Serbia. In that way, we allowed numerous parents to support their LGBT+ kids openly.

A special chat platform was created, where people could ask for advice anonymously. Professionals and families with similar experiences have answered all the questions.

Due to the huge attention and support the campaign has gained, Belgrade Pride took the campaign slogan over and made it a slogan of this year’s parade.